The white player controls a chess knight, and the black player controls a checker. The checker can initially be placed on any black square and it moves only downwards using only black squares. Knight moves are standard as well: it moves one square in any vertical or horizontal direction and two squares in any direction orthogonal to the first direction.
The winning conditions are as follows:
If on white's turn the knight can move on the checker's square, white takes the checker and wins the game.
If on black's turn the checker can move on the knight's square, and the next square in the same diagonal direction exists, black takes the knight and wins the game.
If on black's turn the checker can move on the knight's square, but the next square in the same diagonal direction does not belong to the chessboard, the checker cannot move in the direction of the knight; if the black don't have another move to choose, white wins the game.
If the black checker moves to rank 1, black wins the game.